Monday, February 12, 2007

Slow Changes

The beginning of February went along like any other. January had come to a close and March lingered slowly off in the distance. The great city continue to breathe, it's highways flowing like arteries. One of them flowed towards Tayudaco.

A small robotics firm, traditionally Tayudaco made it's profits through robotic components for larger devices, sweeping additions for cle-bots or arms or legs for other companies humanoid robots. Not anymore. Years of research, quiet planning and secret stockpiling would finally pay off. The TayudaMate™ was to change the face of the company and they hoped the world. If only the software could be completed on time. Only ninety days remained before the CES trade show in Las Vegas. Sixty years of tradition of consumer electronics being shown off. And the robot still ran off the lab computers.

A small contract firm had been hired, the API was supplied and of course a robot to interact with. Ashimino had personally delivered the instructions and spoken with the young man who was to write most of the code. He had willingly accepted the pen to hold. Didn't westerners ever give one another polygraphs? But he was either immune or he told the truth. Ashinimo hoped he had been telling the truth. A mistake this close to the launch of the TayudaMate™ would be disastrous. Both for the company and for Ashinimo.

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